After an excellent experience with Matthew Kenney Culinary in Venice, Los Angeles, last March, I decided to embark on a longer challenge and enrolled for their online Fundamentals of Raw Cuisine - Level 1.
To be completely honest I wasn't expecting the course to be as challenging as it was! Raw food cuisine requires a tremendous amount of planning, preparation and patience.
This course covers the basics that any chef (raw, vegan or not) should know, starting with knife skills and care, to nutrition concepts, flavour balancing, recipe development and plating guidelines. It's obviously a hands on experience with just the right amount of theory and creativity.
During one month, dedicated instructores give each student precious feedback, encouragement and freedom to acknowledge, experiment and create beautiful recipes and presenting them in the most beautiful, harmonious way.
I'll leave you with some of those creations and a link to their website:
Maybe you get inspired as well and help us Craft the Future of Food!